funny kid quotes

Sunday Cereal
To make Sundays more fun for our kids, we let them eat "sugar cereals" like Fruit Loops, Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Golden Grahams, etc. These kinds of cereal have become known as "Sunday Cereal" in our house.
Some Sunday Cereals have even gotten their own nicknames or become inside jokes in our house.
Because our youngest couldn't say "Fruit Loops" for the longest time, we still call it what he used to: "Froob-a-loops"
Because of Calvin and Hobbes, we don't call these Cocoa Puffs...
They are Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs.
Lucky Charms became very unlucky for our two oldest.
One Sunday, we woke up to find that these two had eaten every single marshmallow out of a full box of Lucky Charms and left all the "cereal" pieces. Our oldest spent most of the rest of the that day throwing up and has refused to eat Lucky Charms ever since.
And then, this morning, this happened:
What's your favorite Sunday Cereal?
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