Day of Filming!

11/03/2013 House of Geekiness 1 Comments

I got to spend all Saturday with an awesome cast and crew, filming the book trailer for Knight of Light, the first volume in the fantasy series The Watchers, by Deirdra Eden. I've been lucky enough to work with Deirdra, editing these books, co-writing the trailer and working on its preproduction. I've never worked with such a motivated, hard-working, and fun, geeky group! Everyone worked selflessly and created a light atmosphere that made the day fly by. I hope to work with each of them again!

Meet the Cast and Crew

Cast and crew at our predawn orientation meeting/breakfast


The Author, Deirdra Eden

 Deirdra and I have been friends for just over a year now, and she always amazes me! She is one of the strongest, adventurous, and most talented people I know. Despite circumstances that would have left most of us permanently crushed and defeated, this lady started her own literary company, wrote six books, served in church leadership, works full time, is a respected and sought after public speaker, blogger,  and manages to be an exceptionally loving and caring wife and mother! Visit Deirdra's facebook page to learn more about her and her work!

The Actors

We worked with two wonderful actors on this production, Denise Holbrook and Steve Deschenes.

Denise, as our heroine, Auriella

(pronounced "yuri-ella)

Denise was such a good sport! She saw how crazy we all were and didn't flee in terror, in fact, she joined right in. She's pictured here, rising from a stunt in her very first shot, that she volunteered to do! 

For the fire scene, she let our makeup artist smother her in sooty ashes and black paint!

Literally covered in ashes from head to toe, she never complained.  

Poor Denise had to walk backward up these wacky stairs while she and our villain pointed real swords at each other. At one point, I completely forgot to direct her because the footing was so perilous and I was terrified she was going to back over the ledge and get skewered!  

 Preparing for our hero shot, which was a bit tricky without a closed set.
There were lots of people, children, and even dogs, all giving us weird looks!


Steve, our villain

As a naturally imposing figure, Steve was an easy casting choice for Deirdra.

This guy is so cool, he already had most of his costume!

Steve gave his all to this endeavor. He not only acted, but worked hard at any task we asked of him -from setting up stunt padding and camouflage to carrying ridiculously heavy things- and he always kept us laughing!

The Crew


Our Director, Producer, and Miracle Worker, Lee Whittaker

Our resident genius, Lee took hold of the our ambitious script (which we had been told wasn't possible for our budget) and transformed it into something we could have only dreamed of! He leant his sense of professionalism to our band of miscreants and kept us in check while keeping it fun.

Our fearless leader stood atop a very unstable log to get the perfect shot of this stunt! You'd have never guessed how shaky it was by watching him at work, but when I'd tried it minutes earlier, I almost fell off!

Directing our actor.

Me, Assistant Pretty Much Anything, and Editor

I've been kinda a jack of all trades for this project, co-writer, co-director, producer, caterer, etc. Preproduction, I helped Deirdra write and edit the script, then helped mold it into a workable trailer, helping make sure it was a good representation of the book. After our director approved locations, I worked to be sure they were available for filming. I also provided the catering.

On set, I helped the director oversee the filming by choosing costumes appropriate for each scene and making sure everything looked right (from hair, makeup, costumes, to the scenes.) I also worked with the actors, making sure their part fit into the book. Like the rest of the crew, I helped with whatever random things that came up, like setup/cleanup, carrying stuff, and explaining our mission to random bystanders who questioned our sanity when they saw our actors running around in costume with weapons...

In post production, it got to go through all our footage and materials, and turn it all into a beautiful effective book trailer! I can't wait for you to see it!

Fixing Denise's cloak.

Getting the white skirt/shirt (and my hands!) all covered in soot/ash for the fire shot...
Still trying to get all the black out from under my nails!

Jacqueline's hands after working with black makeup and ash for the fire scene,
mine after working with charcoal, soot, ash. I had no idea they would be all sparkly!

Fixing Denise's hair before/after stunt work.

A moment to rest at the second location. 

Of course I had to play with the swords!

Jacqueline Fowers, Our Hair and Makeup Artist

Originally tasked with hair and makeup, Jacqueline threw herself into the project. Volunteering her talent and experience in film making, she helped with lighting, grip work, costuming, and so much more! If she saw a need, Jacqueline went to work, and became an invaluable asset on set!

Lacing one of many corsets.

Jacqueline doing makeup for the fire scene.

Don't mess with Jacqueline!
One of many extra tasks she took on, creating "shadow blood" for the hero shot. 

Melissa, Our Go-To Girl

Melissa volunteered time away from her family to help us out. She brought a copy of the book on her phone and we relied heavily on her to be sure each scene matched up with the book. She stood ready, with helping hands and a smile, for anything and everything we needed!

I can't even tell you how much fun we all had!  

The end of a long, fun day!

Some shots of one of our gorgeous locations:

A hollowed out, tree root hut

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    1 comment:

    1. This is totally awesome and I suspect will truly be a benefit to selling your books! Great job!
